Eric Rhoads

Eric Rhoads: Art Marketing Boot Camp V


Video Length: 3 Hours 47 Minutes
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In less than four hours, Art Marketing Boot Camp V will give you several profitable strategies that you can use to ...

  • get your work into galleries
  • sell your paintings for a higher price
  • make more income than you've probably made the last two years.


Just pick a couple of the strategies, start mastering them and you should start seeing big changes with a few weeks.

In fact, one artist used one technique revealed on my video and sold two more paintings in just a few days. How's that for fast action?

It IS a bold claim, but Eric Rhoads knows a thing or two when it comes to marketing.

A career entrepreneur, Mr. Rhoads has over 40 years of experience launching successful products and creating highly profitable companies.

In fact, he's sold companies for millions (his first for over $2 million, before his 30th birthday!). But it was his lifelong passion for art that led him to create successful magazines like PleinAir and Fine Art Connoisseur.

Frustrated by seeing great artists unable to live their dreams, he has made it his passion and life goal to help artists gain the success and freedom they deserve.

A few years ago, Eric realized that his decades of marketing expertise could help solve that glaring problem so many artists face:

How do I make a good living doing what I love?

Thus, Art Marketing Boot Camp was born.

What Is Art Marketing Boot Camp V?

This fifth installment of the Art Marketing Boot Camp series is a no-nonsense, step-by-step marketing workshop designed to help you turbocharge your art sales and create a continuous, reliable flow of cash every month that gives you the freedom to create and live the lifestyle that YOU want to live.

Everybody's idea of the "Artist's Lifestyle" is different.

Maybe to you it means traveling to Europe to paint Gothic cathedrals in the springtime...

Or maybe it means buying a vacation home in the Florida Keys where you can spend a month out of every year painting as the ocean breeze rolls in...

Or perhaps it's just financial freedom, or not having to report to a job you no longer love.

Maybe it's just enough extra cash to paint where you want, when you want.

Whatever YOUR vision is for your art career, it's possible if you start putting some of these marketing concepts to work for you...

... and if you're willing to put in the time and effort required.

Here's a little secret.

Most artists don't succeed at the level they dream of because they give up too soon and don't employ any smart marketing techniques.

But there is one very important point: Eric Rhoads knows that great marketing skills can be misused.

Yes, even lousy painters can become successful. He does not want that to happen.

He insists that marketing be used for good without "selling out" or compromising your integrity.

So he is insistent that artists hone their craft before they start marketing their paintings. He believes quality matters, and he does not want people marketing underdeveloped art.

Only you know if you are ready or if you are not. Please don't get Art Marketing Boot Camp unless your plan is to study and learn the techniques so you are ready when your paintings are at the right level and if you're willing to do the work necessary.

Want to learn more?

Let's dive in and take a look at what's included in Art Marketing Boot Camp V:


Video Segment #1

The Impact Of Your Mind &The Importance Of Self-Promotion With Special Guest Lee Milteer

Mindset is everything.

If you have the right mindset, there's no limit to what you can accomplish. Unfortunately, far too many artists struggle with negative thinking and behaviors that hold them back without their realizing it.

This first video is all about the CRITICAL mindset you MUST have if you want to take your career to the next level and start selling more paintings at a higher price.

You'll learn KEY strategies from the brilliant multi-million-dollar marketing mastermind Lee Milteer that will help you define YOUR goals of financial success as an artist...

And you'll come away with a step-by-step plan for making those goals a reality ... no matter HOW big they may be.


You'll learn:

  • How to stand out in a crowded art market and get your work noticed
  • What you MUST know about your personal brand if you want to sell more work at a higher price
  • The five types of daily "energy currency" that you need to understand if you want to achieve your goals
  • How to find successful artists that you admire and then model their success
  • How to get interviews that will grow your media exposure and attract art buyers
  • How to become a celebrity in YOUR market
  • How to identify your unique vision of success ...and then go out and get it!
  • Simple strategies to reach out to new art markets that you may not have explored
  • A website where you can get a free gift (worth $100) from Lee herself!
  • An easy way to eliminate negative thoughts that hold you back and replace them with self-fulfilling positive ones

...and that's just the tip of the iceberg!


Video Segment #2

How To Get Into A Gallery,With One Of The World's Most Successful Gallery Owners

This second video is jam-packed with solid gold advice that will change everything you thought you knew about getting your work into galleries.

Eric Rhoads shares critical tips and ideas and then brings on guest Stuart Johnson of the world-renowned Settlers West Galleries who has been running a massively successful gallery for over 40 years now.

He's sold paintings for six and even seven figures and helped launch the careers of too many artists to name ... and now he's sharing KEY secrets that will help you understand how to get your work into the best galleries and charge more for your paintings!


You'll learn:

  • The No. 1 thing you should know about galleries BEFORE you approach them
  • Why social media can be dangerous to your career
  • The best way to "break the ice" with a gallery owner so you establish a rapport right away
  • What galleries want to see when you send an introductory e-mail
  • What gallery owners are REALLY looking for when they evaluate your work
  • How to create a magazine advertisement that grabs gallery owners by the collar and holds their attention
  • What you need to understand about the concept of scarcity and pricing if you want to charge more for your paintings
  • How to get into the mindset of the high-ticket art collector and understand what those collectors are looking for
  • What you need to know about your pricing strategy BEFORE you contact a gallery
  • Art show strategies to help you make a name for yourself
  • The "Kiss of Death" when it comes to getting your work into galleries, and what you should never do when you're working with them
  • The difference between "top tier" and regular artists when it comes to sales
  • What you should know about the story and title of your painting that can help you sell more
  • What you should do to help galleries and collectors perceive you as an in-demand artist
  • How size affects pricing in a gallery

...and much, much more solid gold advice than we can possibly list here.

Which brings us to the third and most important Boot Camp video:


Video Segment #3

Marketing For Introverts Finding A System That Works For YOU

Let's face it:

Artists are NOT usually salespeople.

And even if you have a talent for sales, you don't want to spend all of your time on the business side of things want to focus on painting and the creative process!

Eric Rhoads gets it.

That's why, in this third and final video, he will show you a complete step-by-step marketing system that requires only a small amount of your time and quickly builds momentum every month so you can create a steady stream of new clients who buy from you like clockwork.

You'll be getting ALL the hard-hitting strategies and tactics that can build your awareness, drive sales, get you into galleries, and help you sell your work for the highest possible prices...

No matter where you are in your art career, if you put just ONE of the strategies in this system to use,you could easily double your sales this year.


You'll learn:
  • How to use this step-by-step 12-month marketing plan to sell more paintings at a higher price and bring in a steady stream of repeat buyers
  • How to establish a morning routine that will turbocharge your productivity as an artist
  • The "deadly" mistake that can shut down your sales when you're just starting to find success
  • Why reinvention is critical to staying relevant in the marketplace today
  • How to find NEW art buyers and add them to your sales funnel
  • How to get more repeat buyers who will buy from you over and over again
  • An easy way to generate more referral sales and commissions that will put more money in your pocket now
  • The five reasons for failure and what you can do to avoid them
  • What successful artists do differently to bring in profit windfalls when they need them
  • The monthly marketing calendar strategy to keep you on track to producing a predictable income you can depend on
  • The direct marketing secrets of multi-million-dollar artists and how you can use them even if you're on a shoestring budget
  • How to create a "killer offer" that art buyers can't resist
  • The secret to the Law of Reciprocity how you can use it in your marketing to bring in new sales every single month
  • How to use a tool to bring in a steady stream of new clients
  • An easy way to associate yourself with BIG names and massively successful icons in your market
  • The easiest customers to sell your work to, and how to contact those customers the right way

...and much, much more. 


Please Note: the material covered in the Art Marketing Boot Camp series is meant to be consumed in a sequence starting with Art Marketing Boot Camp (followed by Art Marketing Boot Camp II, etc.). While the trainings are technically independent of each other, each video explores new information and builds upon concepts covered in earlier Art Marketing Bootcamp videos. For this reason, we recommend that all art marketers start their training with Art Marketing Boot Camp.


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Debra Davis
Amazing Value

I have bought all 5 of the Bootcamps and each one gets better. There is so much information here that every artist needs to have it. I would love to have a workbook to along with this. Looking forward to the next one.